First Presbyterian Church
Affordable Housing Investment Strategy
The First Presbyterian Church Affordable Housing Strategy Team created this survey so that members of the congregation can share their thoughts and questions about how the church might support affordable housing initiatives in Charlotte. Give Impact Advisory Services is working with the strategy team to use feedback from small group conversations and this survey to shape the church's response to diverse housing needs in our city.
Affordable Housing Survey
Please check out the three documents below and respond to the short survey following your listening session.
Pre-Reading: Discussion Questions
More: Review the slides
Respond to the Survey
Sign up for news, changes and project updates at the bottom of the page.
If you have questions, email Michelle Frenzel at:
Registration information for Listening Sessions
Join with members of FPC and lend your voice as together we try to understand the Affordable Housing crisis in our city and contemplate how the church can make an impact. As we all know, a lack of basic needs, including safe housing, not only impacts adults, but also impacts our community’s children as they develop and learn. During May and June, we are partnering with Give Impact to offer a series of Small Group Conversations to understand who needs affordable housing, what jobs they hold, and learn about the complex housing obstacles they are facing. We hope to hear from a large cross section of members to gain many perspectives about how the church should devote resources to make an impact—in the short-term, mid-term and long-term. This will be a broad conversation about utilizing ALL the resources of the church (advocacy, outreach, financial, etc.) and will not be focused on the parking lot. Let’s come together with open minds and hearts to find ways to lift up our neighbors.
Conversations are scheduled for both in-person and virtual attendance options, so please participate if you are able. Click on the Sign-up Genius link and find a date/location that works for you.
Listening Session 1 : May 15th
Time: 11:30 am -1:30 pm
Location: Virtual
Listening Session 3 : May 30th
Time: 5:00 pm -7:00 pm
Location: In-Person/TBD
Listening Session 2 : May 22nd
Time: 12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Location: Virtual
Listening Session 4 : May 31st
Time: 1:00 pm -3:00 pm
Location: Sharon Towers
Listening Session 5 : June 11th
Time: 4:00 pm -6:00 pm
Location: In-Person/TBD
A Message from Pen
Our Team
Give Impact
Liz Ward, Founder
Maya Bullock, Manager
Elaine Hall, Faith Based Impact Consultant
First Presbyterian Church
Pen Peery, Senior Pastor
Michelle Frenzel, Affordable Housing Strategy Team Co-Chair
Lisa Dillard, Affordable Housing Strategy Team Co-Chair
Lucy Crain, Associate Pastor
Brent Torstrick, Strategy Team Member
Caroline Sink, Strategy Team Member
Lillie Cochran, Strategy Team Member
Charles Bowman, Strategy Team Member